
Drainage Cell Extra Duty 600

Drainage Cell Extra Duty 600

Dimensions (Metric) (H) 30mm x (L) 600mm x (W) 600mm
Dimensions (Imperial) (H) 1.18” x (L) 23.62” x (W) 23.62”
Weight 2.6kg/sqm (0.53lb/1ft2)
Surface Void >65%
Compressive Strength 80t/m2 (113.8 PSI)
Flow Rate 14,400 litres/h/sqm @ 1% fall (508.5/h/ft2)
Service Temperature -30°C + 120°C (-22°F + 248°F)
Material Available in Reprolene™ (Recycled Polypropylene) or HDPE
Chemical Properties Unaffected by moulds and algae, soil-bourne chemicals and bacteria

30mm Drainage Cell is supplied in a 1.2m x 1.2m panels


Our 30mm Drainage Cell  available in Canberra is ideal for a wide range of applications that require highly effective and efficient drainage and storm water management solutions.Our 30mm Drainage Cell are supplied in easy to install and handle panels, making for time-saving installations on site in and around canberra. Some common applications for the 30mm DrainageCell include:

Green Roof Drain

We also supply 50mm HexCell Drainage Cell used as part of green roof installations can help manage stormwater runoff, as part of a green architecture  design solution and to provide ongoing energy cost savings.Promoting drainage of excess water onsite, HexCell creates a void  between the roof and infill material whilst supporting the longevity of greenery and vegetation of the green roof, encouraging localised biodiversity in highly urbanised environments.

Planter Box Drain
30mm Drainage Cell promotes the adequate aeration of vegetative  roots and drainage of excess water from the planter box. Made from  non-reactive 100% recycled Reprolene™, 30mm Drain Cell can safely be used for planter box drainage and landscaping.

Retaining Wall Drain
30mm Drainage Cell can be used to reduce structural stress and hydrostatic pressure from excess water in retaining wall applications. By creating a void between the retaining wall, waterproofing membrane and soil profile, 30mm Drain Cell allows for adequate drainage without compromising the structural integrity of the wall.

Sports Field Drainage
30mm Drainage Cell promotes the fast and effective drainage of stormwater or rainwater runoff.  Our  Sports Field Drainage System treats, stores and manages excess water without causing disruption to the health and sustainability of the field itself. The system also allows for recycled water reticulation for ongoing field maintenance.

Waterproofing Membrane Protection
30mm Drainage Cell can also be used as part of a waterproofing solution in subsoil drainage applications. The high compressive strength of 30mm Drain Cell internal void promotes airflow and adequate drainage between the waterproofing membrane and soil profile; mitigating structural damage often seen through increased hydrostatic pressure from excess water.